eGuide - How to sell merchandise at events

How to succeed with event management
Selling merchandise at your event or festival is a brilliant way of generating that extra revenue and make profit. You are also making an investment in your brand as people will use your merchandise in public which is a great form of advertising. This guide will cover everything you need to know and make you more confident in how to tackle your merchandise strategy and tips on how to maximise your sales.
How to plan, manage and sell merchandise effectively at events
To arrange the right merchandising for your event, with high quality, is the first part of the process. The second is to have the right sales tool that lets you utilise the right channels to make it sell.
This guide will give you valuable tips to help you making the most of merchandise sales.
You’ll learn about:- How to select your merchandise partner wisely
- The importance of quality and creativity
- Merchandise costings and pricing
- Bundling and up-selling your merchandise with tickets
- Promoting and selling both tickets and merchandise
- Giving your audience a smooth experience
How to sell merchandise at events
