Don't Forget Your Tickets Podcast with Carl-Erik Moberg

How FIFA is ensuring fair and equal access to tickets for spectators from all over the world

43 min
Oct 10, 2023

What makes ticketing at FIFA so special, and what are the challenges that come with it?

One of the core objectives of FIFA's ticketing process is to ensure fair play. This principle extends beyond the game itself and encompasses the entire fan experience. By implementing innovative ticketing solutions, FIFA aims to enhance the fan experience while also combating the secondary market. An essential component of this approach is the development of a mobile ticketing app. The app not only provides a better experience for accessing tickets but also eliminates the need for physical paper tickets. This digital solution simplifies the ticketing process, reduces operational constraints, and helps prevent counterfeit tickets. Through the app, fans can easily access their tickets, transfer them to others, or even resell them on the official platform. The app also enables FIFA to maintain control and track the ticket's journey, ensuring adherence to ticketing rules and providing a high level of trustability.



Jean Marie Tardy

Jean-Marie Tardy

Guest | Ticketing Prosject Manager at FIFA


Carl-Erik Michalsen Moberg

Host | CEO, TicketCo


Tom Rasmussen

Producer | HoC, TicketCo

Overall, ticketing at FIFA is a complex and multifaceted process. It requires meticulous planning, a global perspective, and a commitment to fairness and innovation. By prioritising the fan experience and leveraging technology, FIFA continues to improve its ticketing operations and create a truly inclusive and memorable World Cup experience for fans worldwide.

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